- Samstag, Januar 26, 2019
Definition of the Motivational Orientation (M.O.)
Your Motivational Orientation (M.O., and similar to “Modus Operandi”), the second dimension of your gift-mix, is focused on the “way you do life.” Your M.O. expresses your heart style and is a reflection of your true personality in life. It is the motivation or style that affects how your destiny orientation (DO) is expressed. Think of it as the “lens” through which the “light” from your destiny orientation shines. This orientation reflects how you function in your gifting and it influences your decisions and actions.
Based on the Romans 12 Spiritual Gifts
These motivational orientations are based the gifts listed by Paul in Romans 12:6-8:
6 “Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith; 7 if service, in his serving; or he who teaches, in his teaching; 8 or he who exhorts, in his exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.” (NASB).
The Purpose is Body Ministry
In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul is very passionate about how each believer is a member of the body of Christ, and each is to serve the others, and each one’s function, although different from the others, is important. In Rom. 12:6 he stresses the need to exercise our gifts according to the grace given us.
Orientation Rather Than Gift
This set of gifts found in Romans 12 have usually been called the “Motivational Gifts” by the greater Body of Christ. In our approach, we choose to use the word “orientation” rather than gift because we see these as abilities, not so much fixed and finite but rather fluid and full of diverse flavors.
In the traditional view, the spiritual gifts are seen as limited commodities that are rationed out; a person may have only one or two gifts and no more. We believe that Scripture allows that every believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit and therefore is able to access all the gifts as the Spirit chooses to release them. Yet because we are designed by God in unique ways, we will have a greater propensity to operate in one gift above another. This is what we mean by orientation. It is not a limitation but rather a specialization based on the way we are wired by God.
Gift Characteristics
- These giftings affect your decisions and actions.
- These giftings are indications of the things you do best.
- Because they are built in you, they can even be observed as early as in childhood.
- Because one gift gives only one perspective of the whole, our gift colors what and how we see.
Gift List
The seven motivational orientations or styles are also called design gifts or motivational gifts. They are:
- Perceiver
- Server
- Teacher
- Encourager
- Giver
- Leader
- Comforter
Brief Descriptions
- As the eye of the body, the PERCEIVER’S basic motivation is to correct and speak right and wrong. They see things the rest of us often miss completely.
- As the hands of the body, the SERVER’S basic motivation is meeting practical needs and rendering specific assistance. They have the most dexterity, with a great ability for detail.
- As the mind of the body, the TEACHER’S basic motivation is to research and distribute the facts. Exceptionally intelligent, they want to know the basis for everything, checking them out as verifiable truth.
- As the mouth of the body, the ENCOURAGER’S basic motivation is encourage personal progress. Encouragers are endowed with a great facility of speech, obviously for the purpose of exhorting, consoling, and encouraging.
- As the arms of the body, the GIVER’S basic motivation is to supply tangible needs. Because of this, givers have an ability to acquire as well as a strong motivation towards support.
- As the shoulders of the body, the LEADER’S basic motivation is towards shouldering responsibility for the sake of efficiency. Leading and facilitating others for the greater vision.
- As the heart of the body, the COMFORTER’S basic motivation is to empathize. Ruled by the heart and not the head they release God’s nature of kindness, care and mercy to others.
How the D.O. and M.O. Interact
For example, if my D.O. is trainer, and my M.O. is leader, I will most often function as a teacher, always wanting to instruct, but that orientation or trait will be expressed usually in a leadership role or position. It’s a nuance; don’t get hung up on it. The important thing is to realize how you are “wired” or designed and flow with it.
The Gifts Flow Together
Your understanding and functioning within your design not only enables the rest of the members of the body to function properly, but when you and I are in our right sphere it “feels” right. Everyone can sense that “flow” similar to a sports team when every member is functioning “in the zone” and in synch with each other. And when that is happening, God is well pleased. A quote by well-known author John Piper is quite appropriate: “God is the most glorified in us, when we are the most satisfied in Him.”
These giftings are who you are all the time. They fit your desires, your passions, your likes and dislikes; they are the “you” that God made. They show up not only in your function with His church, they are the designer’s lenses that you see life through. They are the inherent tendencies that characterize each different person by reason of the Creator’s workmanship in their initial gifting.
These go beyond duty and design to delight. Functioning in your gifting not only pleases you, but also pleases those around you, and pleases God, the Designer, (Romans 12:2).
Example of the Gifts in Operation
Here is an example of how each gift might respond, in their own unique way, to an opportunity for ministry or service.
You are at a dinner party, the hostess is serving you and the other six designs. As she brings in the dessert from the kitchen to the dining room, she slips and drops the dessert on the floor. Your gift and your design determine your response:
The perceiver says, “That’s what happens when you are not careful,” (The motivation to correct right and wrong).
The server says, “Let me help you clean it up,” (The motivation to render practical, helpful service).
The teacher says, “The reason you dropped the dessert, is because it was too heavy on one side of the tray,” (The motivation to discover or research what happened).
The encourager says, “It is okay. You are doing a great job and will do it flawlessly next time.” (The motivation to help others succeed).
The giver says, “I’ll be happy to buy another dessert,” (The motivation to give to a tangible need).
The leader says, “Jim, you get the mop, Sue you pick up the tray, Mary, maybe you can help fix a new dessert,” (The motivation for efficiency and organization and efficiency).
The comforter says, “Now don’t feel bad, it could happen to anyone,” (The motivation to empathize and be aware of their feelings).
Gift Spread
Each of us responds to life situation from the way we see it, our view, our “bent,” our lens. God, in His own design bestows these gifts freely as He will, but somehow God also understands the compiling of these gifts, and in His foreknowledge knows the ratios necessary to see the gifts or designs function best.
In a survey of the Romans 12 gifts of 1,000 people over a ten-year period, representing more than 100 groups in a variety of states, provinces and countries, these percentages were found to be consistent:
Perceivers – 12%
Servers – 17%
Teachers – 6%
Encouragers – 16%
Givers – 6%
Leaders – 13%
Comforters – 30%
In any other time in God’s plan these percentages might even show up differently, but these portions of His design seem to fit our culture right now. Consequently be reminded, that even though there are different needs, and even seemingly different percentages or ratios, each gift is of equal value and needed in order for God to function most effectively through us.
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More Information
For a comprehensive explanation of our view of destiny and the motivational orientations, see our Resources