Destiny Coaching
Extract the full insight from your results with a Destiny Coach.
This is the best way for you to have clarity on your next steps and how to grow in your Journey.
One session might save you a year of frustration.
About Coaching
Coaches work with individuals to help them get the most out of the materials and move as quickly as possible into their destiny. They review the person’s profile, identifying key points obstacles, providing reflection and referral for areas beyond expertise, prescribe growth goals, study goals, ministry development, etc.
Our coaches are life coaches, pastors, ministry school leaders, and others trained by our staff to use the Destiny Finder tools to guide people to make real progress on their journey.
Although the term “coach” is used in many ways, we define it this way: A coach draws out of you and may not be an expert in the specific area you are interested in. A coach helps you more with decision making and removing obstacles.
A mentor pours into you and is usually an expert in the field you are studying or involved with. A mentor helps you with more with mastering the skills and particulars in the job/field/service/ministry opportunity you’re in.
For example, if you wanted to be a worship leader, a mentor would be someone who had experience in worship and music. A coach might not know much about music, but would help you with the process of decision making and accessing resources. You will work on finding a mentor in the last phase of the destiny discovery process.
Coaches are accessible by phone, Zoom, Skype, or in person. A typical session consists of 45-50 min coaching and 10-15 min prep and admin by the coach. Coaching is usually in English but we are adding other languages; contact us for more information.
Why use a coach?
People that really want to accomplish something, whether it’s in sports, business or acting… or anything really, engage a coach to help them perform the best they can. It accelerates your progress and can make a huge difference.
The Journey Guide Profiler produces a customized profile that has a lot of information and then you create a life map in the Mapper module. We STRONGLY recommend that you go through the Journey Guide or Journey Guide PRO and also work with one of our destiny coaches to interpret these results and develop a customized plan to launch you into your destiny.
Coaching is available anytime
You can set up time with a coach on a fee-per-hour basis at any time, even before you’ve purchased any of our products or other services. A coach can help you move ahead faster.

Coaches can view your results
We have coaching available by phone and onsite. BUT…your church or group can have your own coaches that can work with your members.
This feature enables your coaches to view the Profiler assessment reports of the people they are coaching. Members will have to consent to work with a coach and give the coach access to their assessment reports.
Destiny Finder Coach Certification
The program prepares coaches to use the Destiny Finder material in coaching others. Coach candidates are expected to have pastoral, life coach, counseling, group leadership or business management experience of some kind; to have gone through one of our workshops; and have completed the Journey Guide Pro material.
Our Coaching Director, Jeff Wittmer, works with churches and groups that want to have their own people designated as Destiny Finder Coaches to work with their members.
The program is being revised. Contact us for more information.
This type of coaching is not life coaching, psychological counseling or psychotherapy, although some of our coaches in fact may be life coaches or counselors. The coaching interactions may uncover serious problems and issues in the client’s life.
The coach and Destiny Finder are not responsible for stress or harm resulting from the discovery of psychological issues. In the case that serious problems and/or issues are uncovered, clients are asked and/or referred to seek help from a licensed professional counselor or psychotherapist.