Your Ministry Gift:



Congrats on taking an important step in discovering your destiny! The free Destiny Test reveals your Ministry Gift. We also call it your Destiny Orientation (D.O.). It’s your core trait or design, and it influences the basic way you relate to your world.

You are a recruiter and have an evangelistic orientation based on the gift of evangelist named in Ephesians 4:11; and are “wired” by God to function in evangelistic gifting, thinking and action. You are a person who is deeply concerned for those outside; those who have not had the benefit of the kingdom, cause, business or group to which you belong. 

You see unreached people as weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd, and you feel the urgency of God to share the message of Jesus, and the love of God in practical ways with the world.


You have an evangelistic passion, and you desire to get your message to others.


As a Recruiter, you are confident and tend to feel strongly that people should see the world as you do… and you are not afraid to tell them so.






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Dive Deeper into YOUR Destiny!

The free Destiny test is the first step in your journey towards fulfilling your God-given calling. This short assessment with limited results is just a sample, a fraction of the full Journey Guide; there is so much more!

Now take the next step:


  • Use powerful assessments to discover your ministry gifts, passions, talents, societal sphere, and target people group.
  • Then review how God has been directing you, define your calling, and set goals.



The Pro includes the Journey Guide Lite and much more:

  • Use the full Profiler, Mapper and Tracker with eight guided modules to go deeper and faster, with seven assessments, in-depth exercises, life planning, and discipleship teaching notes.
  • Then create a comprehensive plan and set goals to develop your ministry, personal character and team, and fulfill your calling.


Both tools are easy to use and provide lifetime access.
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