Manifestation Gift Assessment Result
- Friday, May 5, 2017
- Friday, May 5, 2017
Definition of the Supernatural Orientation (S.O.)
Your Supernatural Orientation (S.O.), the third dimension of your gift-mix covered in the Profiler, discovered in the Manifestation Gift Assessment, is a way to describe the way you function supernaturally as anointed and gifted by the Holy Spirit.
The items listed in 1 Cor. 12:8-10 are commonly called the gifts of the Spirit and they form the basis for the supernatural orientation (S.O.). They are more specific to ministry of the body of Christ and although all gifts given by the Spirit are “supernatural,” the ones in 1 Cor. 12: 8-10 are more “supernatural” in nature and effect. They are not aspects of our nature as the Ephesians 4 and Romans 12 gifts, but are empowerments given as situations require.
We are using the term “orientation” because we feel that captures the essence. If you have an orientation you’ll tend to point that way and function that way. Sometimes people get hung up on the term “gift.” Orientation is a broader term than gift and we feel it works a little better for what we’re after, which are the basic ways people function.
Some people believe that believers have only one gift. We believe that any believer when filled with the Spirit can operate in any of these gifts as the Spirit moves.
However, because of our individual design, each of us will have a greater propensity to operate in one or two gifts more than the others. Paul encourages us to “eagerly desire spiritual gifts” (1 Cor. 14:1) so we should seek the fullest expression of His gifts in our lives. We can grow in the use of the gifts as we learn to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit and as we grow in faith and confidence in His working in us.
Purpose of the S.O.s/ Manifestation Gifts
The items listed in 1 Cor. 12:7-11 are commonly called the gifts of the Spirit. We use the term “manifestation gifts” since they tend to be more visible or manifest. These gifts are given by the Holy Spirit to empower believers supernaturally for specific acts to reveal Jesus to unbelievers and to minister, encourage and bless unbelievers and the body of Christ.
These gifts are given by the Holy Spirit to empower believers supernaturally for specific acts to reveal Jesus to unbelievers and to minister, encourage and bless unbelievers and the body of Christ.
In 1 Cor. 12 Paul emphasizes that each individual believer is a member of the body of Christ. All are important, all have a function, all depend on the others. Within this chapter he discusses the various spiritual gifts and how they are each important.
“Paul does not give the impression that in the Christian life some people are supposed to be players and others are supposed to be spectators. Christians are all players.” – John Wimber from Power Points
Before Jesus died and rose again, He told His disciples that it was to their benefit that He leave them because if He didn’t leave, the Holy Spirit would not come. (John 16:7) He told them how the Spirit would empower them and teach them to speak on God’s behalf and to do even greater works of miracles than Jesus did on the earth. (John 5:20)
After His resurrection, Jesus told His followers to wait in Jerusalem until power came upon them and then they would be His witnesses. (Luke 24:49) On the day of Pentecost, the Spirit of God was poured out on the disciples and the impact was so powerful that over three thousand souls came to faith in Jesus that day. (Acts 2) They were able to impart streams of life-giving power to others.
“Instead of His personal presence, his disciples would continue His ministry, and the Holy Spirit would be given them so that their words and deeds would no longer be merely human acts but channels of divine grace. They would in effect themselves become sources of life for those who heard their word and believed it. The Spirit will come to take Jesus’ place and to enable the disciples to do what they could not do in and of themselves, namely, bring people to faith and to eternal life.” George Eldon Ladd from “Theology of the New Testament.”
Short Descriptions of the S.O.s /Manifestation Gifts
Word of Wisdom: The ability to know and speak forth answers to problems or solutions that are beyond natural understanding.
Word of Knowledge: The ability to know and speak forth things that could not be naturally known, often which are key to healing or ministry.
Faith: The ability to believe God and participate with Him in bringing about extraordinary answers to prayer for provision, changes in circumstances or other needs.
Gifts of healing: The ability to release physical or emotional healing, usually through prayer and often by the laying on of hands.
Miracles: The ability to believe God and participate with Him in bringing about a work of power, healing, or other action that is extraordinary.
Prophecy: Speaking words or a message from God of edification, encouragement, or exhortation to a person or group.
Discerning of spirits: The ability to discern an evil presence, influence or spirit, and to discern what is from God and what is not from God.
Kinds of tongues: The ability to speak in a earthly or heavenly language not learned, for the purpose of communicating a message from God or personal prayer, praise or worship.
Interpretation of tongues: The ability to interpret, not translate, a message given in tongues for a person or group.
How the Various Gift Lists Relate to Each Other
Why are we using 1 Cor 12:8-10 and not other list in 1 Cor. or other lists such as Romans and Ephesians? We believe the list in Ephesians 4 is foundational, and we use that list of gifts (the “fivefold” ministry gifts or ascension gifts – apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher) as the basis for the destiny orientation (D.O.). It’s the basic way we function or interact with the world around us. The Romans 12 gifts form the basis for the motivational orientation (M.O.). That is the way that the D.O. is expressed – the style in which we interact with our world.
The gifts in 1 Cor. 12:8-10, unlike the Ephesians 4 and Romans 12 gifts, are not innate or basic to our functioning or personality. They are more “tools” or empowerments given as the situation demands.
Paul repeats the 1 Cor. 12:8-10 list in v.28-30, adding new ones (teacher, administration and helps) and omitting some (word of wisdom, word of knowledge, discernment of spirits, faith). We focus on the list in v.8-10 because it is more complete.
How to Receive the Gifts
We receive these empowering gifts in a personal and loving relationship with our Father God. He gives good gifts to His children. “Pursue love yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.” (1 Cor. 14:1 NASB) God wants you to pursue His gifts! Ask God for more of His presence and power in your life and ask Him for the gifts.
“Then when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in other tongues and prophesied.” (Acts 19:6) The gifts of the Spirit are activated by the power of the Spirit. In the book of Acts we see the disciples getting filled over and over again and moving in prophetic gifts, healing, miracles, etc. The Corinthian church had a lot of problems, but they were moving in the gifts on a regular basis. In Ephesians, Paul says “Be filled with the Spirit” and that’s in the present tense in the Greek, indicating continuous action – “be filled and keep on getting filled.”
Paul reminds Timothy that he received a spiritual gift through Paul laying hands on him. (2 Tim. 1:6) So believers can pray for and impart gifts to each other, and often through laying on of hands. Often a person will just start operating in the gift as the opportunity arises and the person feels an “anointing” or strong sense or even urgency to speak or act – that’s the Holy Spirit leading. Key tip: the Holy Spirit leads, the enemy drives.
How to Grow in the Gifts
Growing in the gifts usually requires “baby steps” at first. The first time a person shares a word of knowledge it might just be a single word. The first time someone operates in the gift of healing it might be a “minor” healing. As Paul says in Romans 12:6 “And since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let each exercise them accordingly…” Do not despise the day of small beginnings.
You will always grow best among people who have paved a trail before you. Learn by hanging out with them while they are ministering in the gifts of the Spirit to others. Ask questions and get prayed for often by people in your fellowship. (Rom. 1:11, Acts 19:6)
Learning to hear God is a process that takes daily attention. Intimacy with Jesus leads us to be sensitive to His voice and His leading toward others. Practice being alone with God each day. Ask God questions frequently through the day. Listen with a journal to write down your thoughts or impressions.
Paul teaches that we have control over the use of these gifts (I Cor 12, 14) Our wills are involved. We can decide to hold back and not share something if necessary. They are not like the ecstatic utterances of the Corinthian pagan worshippers. As a result, we get a choice to exercise a gift or not. Ask Holy Spirit for direction and guidance in the use of the gifts. Remember they were given for good. If fear is stopping you from functioning in the gifts, recognize that the fear is not from God and step out and take a risk. Listen for what God is saying and be obedient.
Testing the Gifts
These gifts are for the body to minister to each other. They are not apostolic confirmation and those operating in them are not Old Testament prophets. They are not authoritative or signs of authority. We always must test and measure everything against the Word of God. Paul says that the prophets are to pass judgment on each other. That means their prophetic words could be corrected, thus this is not Old Testament prophecy in which a prophet who made a mistake was to be stoned.
Test out prophetic words with people who will give you loving feedback. If you feel that you are supposed to share a word, pray for healing or operate in another one of the gifts and you’re not sure about it, talk to a leader or those who are more experienced in functioning in the gifts. We are all to be under authority, as Jesus was. Leaders are to support us and correct us if necessary.
What we’ve found is that it’s important to encourage people to try out their gifts – fear is the main obstacle for most people.
What’s next
One more assessment completed! You rock! This is great stuff – you are doing some serious work, and it will pay off. You can print your report using the PRINT RESULT button at the top of the Results page, or use your browser print function. You can view it anytime in My Account.
When you’re ready to take the next assessment, the Passion Assessment, click the button below. Or you can find it in My Account.
More Information
There are many books on this subject; anything by Gordon Fee is recommended.