It’s Live! We’ve just launched a new “skin” or look for our homepage. Check out the awesome new “badges” for each ministry gift/ destiny orientation type, done by Michael’s oldest son, Aaron Brodeur. He’s an incredible artist, and amazing web guy too who has done the front end programming for the new version.
In the last six months we’ve added the ability to get a group discount on the Profiler by making a bulk purchase – get up to 30% off. And we’ve added the capability to assign coaches who can access the assessment results of people they are coaching. Read about these in the Church Programs section.
We are rolling out a small group program that we’ve been piloting at Jesus Culture in Sacramento. It’s been great – even Christians who are ministry veterans are being revitalized in their calling and are moving forward with greater intentionality to fulfill their destiny.
We are ramping up to take Destiny Finder to the next level and improve one of the most powerful destiny and discipleship tools available anywhere. Stay tuned for much more to come!